I have to admit most Swedes have a love affair with John Fogerty. He has been huge in Sweden even after he left Creedence Clearwater Revival. I remember in the eighties, people driving hours from my hometown in Småland to Göteborg (Gothenburg) for you English speakers out there to listen to him in concert. He had a good album with the song "Centerfield" in 1985. The 1986 album "Eye of the Zombie" was a dud. It had it's point with the references to the Reagan Years, but altogether it was a bad album.
Many years went by, I moved to the states permanently in 1994 after a couple of brief stints 1990, 1991-1992. After three years in Knoxville, I heard on the radio one day that John had a new comeback album. It had been ten long years and he had settled the legal mattes with Mr. Zaentz and Fantasy records. Any fan know this injustice done to John so I won't go in to it here, but anyway, the album came out in 1997 it was called "Blue Moon Swamp". In fact people in Sweden refer to John's music as Swamp Rock. It was a pretty good album with some blues, rock and of course some swamp rock.
Where on earth is this going you ask, well let me tell you. I sat done a while ago to tie some fishing flies and I needed some music. I found John's latest "Revival" from last year and the overlooked 2004 album "Deja Vu All Over Again" There are two standout songs on this album in my opinion. The title track "Deja Vu All Over Again" The listener feel the eerie feeling of CCR again and a feeling of Vietnam all over again. We have to remember this song was done at the peak of the Iraq war. If you were against the war publicly back then, you were considered unpatriotic. John sings about the mothers, sending their kids to a war with no end in sight. This song speak to me for some reason. I guess it's appropriate now since the current administration is on it's way out. The second song which stand out in my opinion is the song "Nobody's Here Anymore" It's about how we get lost in our technology and forget our fellow human beings. It's like we think we can eat our mp3 players. The kid is sitting in his room with all the latest computer gear and a stack of Twinkies. It has to be heard to fully be appreciated. Back to tying flies.