As for my life. After the Little River Clean up in November we did a Turkey Creek clean up in Knoxville. We (the FFF club in Knoxville) and Izaak Walton League of America with their local chapter, cleaned up trash along Turkey Creek in the remaining wetland around the development. It was a cold and crispy day but we had a good time. Then a week or so later my wife and I went to see a movie she heard a lot about. "Happy Go Lucky" is the title of it and let me put it this way. I lasted ten minutes before I had to go to the car. My wife came out after another twenty minutes or sol It was pure awful.
Around the house I did some leaf clean up in my yard. I put in a toilet in our master bedroom around Thanksgiving. My wife went to her parents and I stayed around the house doing chores.
I have finally finished my Icelandic crime novel in Swedish translation. It was by my favorite crime writer Arnaldur Indridason. The book "Arctic Chill" should be coming stateside soon if it's not already here. I have begun another Swedish crime novel this week. Kjell Eriksson's "Den Upplysta Stigen" which is his first crime novel from 1999. He wrote a few regular novels before this one but this is his first crime novel. A couple of his books are translated in to english. I personally liked "The Princess of Burundi" which is not about a princess and not about the country of Burundi. He He.
I have tied some flies for my fishing this spring, but I have a long way to go. Mostly I've been tying Zebra Midges with Bead Heads. Lisa my wife and I went to see the latest Bond finally. It was okay but no way near "Casino Royale". I can recommend "Quantum of Solace anyway, for pure adrenaline fun.
This upcoming holiday, probably will be spent at home. We are old and tired and our partying days are over. I might tie some flies and I'm looking forward to my wife's Beef Stew for tomorrow night.
I'm planning on going to see Clint Eastwood's latest "Gran Torino" when it comes out next week.
I'm thinking this is all the important stuff, fishing is on the back burner for me and I'm hoping to do some winter hikes in a few weeks. Until next time bare with me.....