Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jim Casada's New Book

Well, I got the new book by Jim Casada the other day. I was eagerly awaiting its arrival. I stood in my doorway for a good while just flipping through the pages. It is a tomb for sure. It is very detailed and heavy on history of the park and its people. Fly Fishing In The Great Smoky Mountains National Park "An Insider's Guide to A Pursuit of Passion" is the official title of the book and it pretty much sums up the content of the book. Jim Casada is an insider and is widely known especially in the southeastern U.S. He has written numerous books, and articles. I especially remember him from several contributions to the now defunct "Trout South".

The book is very much worth its purchasing price. However there are several repetitious comments, and some comments are of almost an antagonistic view towards others, who has written about the Smokies. The author as he freely admits is opinionated and hard headed. If you can overlook the self confident personality it is a very nice read and highly recommended.

One noteworthy mistake is the fact that the reader claims that "Fighting Creek" in TN has never been mentioned in a fly fishing guidebook. It was recently mentioned in Ian Rutter's book on the smokies. The book also contains several spelling errors which is always a turn off in my opinion.