Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Duck You Sucker and Miller's Crossing

I have always loved everything by Sergio Leone. The fantastic Italian director who died way too early. One of his most underrated movies are "Duck You Sucker" or as it is also called " A fistful of Dynamite. It is a somewhat comical tale of an IRA terrorist on the run who meets a local desperado in rural Mexico at the time of the revolution and Pancho Villa. It's done somewhat in the same realm as the spaghetti westerns Leone is famous for but it is not entirely the same as those. It has more humour and it's moving along at a somewhat faster pace. It's a great performance by James Coburn and Rod Steiger.

As for Millers Crossing, The Cohen brothers are movie geniuses. I am particularly fond of "Fargo" but Millers Crossing stands out as a gem on it's own. In this movie we deal with the classic example of gang wars and rivaling factions in the big city. This time it is between the Irish mobsters and the Italian ditto. This movie also shows some humour and with all its blood and gore it's typical Cohen fare. Not the top movie from them but definitely a must see. Marcia Gay Harden, and Gabriel Byrne both stand out in this movie.