Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update and The Mother of All Cricks No not fishing this time

I don't even know where to start, such has the past week been. I got off four days from work and decided to stay home for thanksgiving this year. My wife drove up from her work to her folks in KY on Wednesday night. I wanted to stay home and rest,especially since I have a long trek coming up for Christmas. I went to Shoney's for thanksgiving buffet and let me tell you! Many people had the same bright idea. It was actually pretty good and affordable. I stayed home on Friday and Saturday to get caught up on some reading I had been holding off on. Lisa (my wife), came home on Saturday evening. On Sunday I went on my first hike with the Smoky Mountain Hiking Club. We went to Frozen Head State Park, for an eight mile trek to climb Bird Mountain. It was a very nice and clear day and I had a great time.

On Monday afternoon at work, my shoulder and neck began aching real bad. I woke up that morning with a bad crick in my neck but thought nothing of it. I went home and straight to bed after work. I couldn't sleep that's how intense the pain became later that night. I stayed home from work Tuesday under excruciating pain. Decided to try to work this morning but lasted only two hours. Time to go to the doc. The pain was so intense I had to call my wife to come home from work so she could drive me to the doctor's office. After seeing the doctor the pain eased a bit and now with some meds it's getting somewhat better. What was it you ask? Nothing more than the mother of all cricks. The pain was so bad I thought I had something really bad. I'm glad it's not anything serious.